1973年、石川県加賀市出身。金沢市在住。伯父の写真家・冨岡省三のカメラを故人の住居で見つけ、2018年7月よりそれらを使って写真を撮り始める。2018年12月〜2019年1月の2ヶ月間、伯父のカメラを手にヨーロッパ8カ国をまわる。2019年7月に18日間、北欧4カ国を旅する。北欧で撮影した写真をもとに、2020年7月に写真展「NORDIC LIGHT」を金沢市にて開催。

Koichiro Nishide
Born in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan in 1973. Lives in Kanazawa. I found cameras of my uncle photographer Shozo Tomioka at his house and started taking pictures with those cameras from July 2018. For two months, from December 2018 to January 2019, I traveled with his camera to eight European countries. In July 2019, I traveled for 18 days in four Scandinavian countries. Based on photographs taken in Scandinavia, a photography exhibition “NORDIC LIGHT” was held in Kanazawa, Japan in July 2020.
